My new pony.

I am Grace! One hot sunny day we were on our way to Ninety mile beach  We saw a beautiful brown pony 5 metres off the road, under som beautiful green tree and grass. I looked at the pony and she looked back at me. I was getting very excited. Then we carried on. We got to Ninety Mile Beach. I got out of  the car and walked around the back of the car. There in front of my very own eyes the pony I saw before was there.  I remembered to bring some apples and carrots. Then I stroked her on the nose, then she put her head over my shoulder. I said to the pony “I will call you Diamond because you have a Diamond on your forehead.”  Then I asked my mum and dad if I could keep her and they said “Yes!”.


When we got back to my Grandparents house I put Diamond into the paddock and began the training.  We started to jump over fences.  Two days passed and it was time to go back home.  I was so sad to leave Diamond but then my parents told me they had hired a horse float.  I was so happy and grateful that I almost fell over.  But my pony did not want to go into the horse float but then I said to Diamond “if you go in then you will be able to stay with me”.  She went in so I gave her a treat.  After a long trip we were home.

Almost in the middle of the city we have a big, big, big, big place almost like a farm, bigger than a farm actually!  I took my house out of the float and I took to where she would live which  was my old playhouse.  She loved it so much she put her head over my shoulder.  Then I took her and me to an open riding arena.  There we did lots of practicing and jumping.  The jumps were trotting poles, triple jumps, cross bars, wall and  water jump. I thought I was good enough that I entered a race.

I felt nervous and happy at the same time.  I sort of knew the track around Mt Eden.  We all started at the bottom of the mountain.  First we raced to the top of Mt Eden.  Next we went down into the crater and finally got down jumping along the way. “WE WON”, I said to Diamond.  As the prizes were handed out, me and Diamond got a sparkly saddle with jems on the side, a bridle the same as the saddle, a rainbow sparkly blanket and sparkly boots. Diamond was so so so so so happy.  The final best prizes were given out and they were given to ME AND DIAMOND.  They were a first place ribbon and a trophy.  We decided that we were so good that we entered each and every race and we won all of them.



Story:  Fiction




  1. Shane

    Wow Grace!
    It’s wonderful to read of your adventures with Diamond. I’m sure you two will have many more amazing times together.
    Let me know when the next story is posted.
    Mr H

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Dear Mr Hutchinson, I’ve got another story coming called “Princess Grace”. Thank you for taking the time to read my story also.
      Love Grace

  2. Uuncle Dave

    Grace. I loved reading your story on My New Pony. I remember 90 mile beach too!

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Its a great place to visit and I love seeing the wild horses! Grace

  3. Uncle Dave

    I really enjoyed reading your story Grace, made me remember our time up north!

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Dear Uncle David, I did this link from our time up north. Grace

  4. Sue Wagener

    Double talent! A talented artist and also great writer. I enjoyed your story and could picture it all. Well done.

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Thank you Aunty Sue for looking at my art and reading my story. Love from Grace

  5. Granddad

    A very good story Grace that combines your time up north with living in Auckland and the fun that you have with the horse riding. It was well done to connect the sighting of the wild horses with the idea of having your own horse that really likes you at home. Looking forward to the next one! Love – Granddad

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Thank you granddad how you talked about the connection I made. Love Grace

  6. Room 3 Writing

    Dear Grace, we really liked your story about Diamond. Your story was very creative. We like the presentation of your website. We are excited to see what else you post on your website. Yours sincerely, Room 3 Writing class.

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Thank you for letting me have your time to read my story to you guys. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment. Grace

  7. Grandad and granny willis

    Thinks this is grat – loved your page. Loved your story. Thought it was true until the last 2 word!!!

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Thanks for reading the story. Which last 2 words – about it being fiction? Love from Grace

  8. Rebecca L

    Dear Grace,

    What a beautiful storyline. I love the problem you added to your story, a horse that won’t go in the float, you really did have to win that one and you were very convincing. Most of all though I love your descriptions of your feelings; imagine looking at the horse and it looking right back at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking!

    Well done 😉
    Mama Olivia

    1. Grace (Post author)

      Thanks for finding out about the problems and feelings. Love Grace


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